CRYOSTEM scientific newsPoster list
- CRYOSTEM network fueling excellence in translational research on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) complications / EBMT 2023
- CeVi_CAR -T : Une collection française d’échantillons pour soutenir et accélérer la recherche dans le domaine de la thérapie par cellules CAR -T pour les lymphomes T /2022
- CeVi_CAR -T : a unique biological collection to support and accelerate research in the field of CAR-T cells therapy for lymphoma / IACH 2022
- CRYOSTEM biocollection : a unique resource in Europe from Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT) patients / EBMT 2021
- Management of the specialised biobank CRYO-LEA using the MBioLIMS BioBanking® System / 2020
- CRYOSTEM : a French national Biobank to move research forward in the field of Hematopoiteic Stem Cell Transplantation Complications / EBMT 2018
- Challenges and Benefits of Biobank Certification: CRYOSTEM Unique Experience / EBMT 2018
- CRYOSTEM : a French national Biobank to move research forward in the field of GvHD / BMT Tendem Meeting 2018
- MBioLIMS BioBanking® Information Management System for CRYOSTEM national cohort /2017
- Benefits of ISO 9001 certification in large multi-center cohorts: feedback of CRYOSTEM experience